Coincidences are nothing but strokes of destiny made visible for our mortal eyes.
I saw her in a red light. The only day that I had to go there. And, obiously, got shocked.
She looks exactly as I remember her. Barely awake beneath the morning light. Into high contrast of the dusty and unclean reality that this cold light drawed before my eyes.
And my mind starts to make up ideas of what she might be doing; going from home to work. Thinking of the things she has to do before doing them. Fresh and aware of everything but me.
Light flashes and I realize that I'm still late. She pass by my side a hundred miles away from me and i wish I could just see her smile again but I know that wont happen. She seems a bit like me: standing a living but not completly awake.
We slept once, and met each other in a dream. Though we never wanted to go back. Though we still we refuse to wake up.
Release brake and acelerate. Try not to look back.
Somo tan tibios
Hace 12 años