martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Overwhelming Hospitality

i miss all those things we used to stare at to make us feel not so overwhelmed...

Sitting on the front door having a smoke while the snow's falling down and our breath makes as our souls, and melt with each other. the norther quiet life. So sad, still beautiful and unexplainable.

Now, my lips are all biten on the inside and i still get that urge to mash this unfeeling part of my body. perhaps because it's the way out of my own perdition.

it has always been this way since i remember. trying people need my useless skills and love my inner lies and disgusting thoughts

that's why i can't say it in my own language. so thus i don't understand what im trying to shout out... to shut up.

1 comentario:

Memorias Educadas dijo...

Mis labios están partidos, hace frío en Xalapa y lleuve como no tienes idea.

Tú esposa no lee lo que escribes aquí (un poco al respecto del último post, que me pareció hermoso y maravilloso, y ya sabes, todas esas cosas que suenan cretinas y burlonas pero en realidad vienen del corazón).

Sentido común, querido Luis.